Monday, December 8, 2014

got acne?

After doing extensive research on articles and commercials to use for my paper i finally found one that fits well with jack solomon's article "Masters of desire." The commercial itself is a proactive commercial starring Katy Perry. Generally we all know what the proactive commercials are about because they are all nearly identical. Its the fact that after watching this commercial viewers obtain this image that Katy Perry pop star is normal just like everyone else. In reality Katy Perry isn't remotely as normal as you and me, but after watching the commercial it really gives that effect that she is. Another thing i found interesting is that its normal to have acne, but we feel the need to have flawless skin and features in order to look better or be better than everyone with blemishes and what not. I feel that this advertisement will do great things for my essay and prove a few points or two on what i have exactly to say about this for of advertising method.