Saturday, October 4, 2014

Thoughts for lunch.

After reading chapter 34 in "I know why the Caged bird sings"I realized that this chapter is quite relatable to me. In this chapter Maya decides to take a break from school to find a job. I too think about taking a break from school to work two jobs and to save as much as i can. I know that wouldn't be a good solution because if i want to save a lot of money in the future i need to go to school to further my education which will one day lead me to a high paying job. Sacrificing financially struggling is okay with me as long as it will benefit me in the long run. Maya in this chapter goes back to school afterwords and feels that she doesn't belong. I can relate to that incident as well, when i was a kid in elementary school i was a little on the bigger side so kids didn't really wanna hang out with me. Thus making me feel lonely and i just felt like no one would ever want to be my friend. I always wanted to fit  , but as i grew up i realized that if they don't want to be my friends then i should want to be their friends either.

1 comment:

  1. I think everyone has that moment in their life when they have to make a decision between working full time or going to school. I agree that we do have to make sacrifices but they will be worth it in the end.
